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Your Wild Food Year: Tier 2 (Wild Feast)
Introduction to the Course
Welcome to Your Wild Food Year (Wild Feast) (2:39)
About Your Tutors (3:22)
How To Interact With Your Course (1:25)
How To Navigate This Course (5:18)
Foraging and the Law (5:29)
Staying Safe (6:40)
Poisonous Species (2:25)
Sustainability and the Right Mindset (5:11)
LIMITED TIME OFFER: Upgrade to Tier 3 - Wild Banquet
LIMITED TIME OFFER: Upgrade to Tier 3 - Wild Banquet (Monthly Payment Plan)
Seasonal Foraging: Winter
Best of Winter Foraging (with Gemma Hindi)
January (29:02)
Photo Gallery: January Wild Food
Recipe: Wild Turk'ish' Delight
Recipe: Wild Mushroom & Nettle Seed Salt
Recipe: Wassail Twelth Cake
Recipe: Elf Cup Risotto
Recipe: Dandelion Root Coffee
Recipe: Oak Moss & Gorse Flatbread
February (24:19)
Photo Gallery: February Wild Food
Recipe: Pine Needle Tea
Recipe: Ground Elder Pesto
Recipe: Cleavers Water
Recipe: Birch Sap Syrup
Seasonal Foraging: Spring
Best of Spring Foraging (with John Wright)
March (20:51)
Photo Gallery: March Wild Foods
Recipe: Nettle Puree
Recipe: Wood Sorrel Raita
Recipe: Wild Garlic Pesto
Recipe: Wild Garlic Kimchi
Recipe: Wild Garlic and Mushroom Stuffed Pepper
Recipe: Wild Chicken Tikka Garlic Parcels
Recipe: Spring Greens Risotto
Recipe: Nettle Saag Aloo
Recipe: Wild Garlic Pakora
April (31:51)
Photo Gallery: April Wild Foods
Recipe: Wild Garlic Salt
Recipe: Roasted Reedmace
Recipe: Wild Garlic Tempura
Recipe: Baked Hummus
Recipe: Easy Wild Garlic Pasta
Recipe: Candied Wild Flowers
Recipe: Wild Garlic Bread
May (13:42)
Photo Gallery: May Wild Food
Recipe: Spruce Cubes/ Spruce Water Infusion
Recipe: Wild Garlic Seeds
Recipe: Cleavers Honey
Recipe: Beech Leaf Noyau
Recipe: Spruce Ice Lolly
Recipe: Sticky Spruce Syrup
Recipe: Nettle Soup
Recipe: Nettle and Garlic Yoghurt Dip
Recipe: Tree Leaf Salad
Recipe: Spruce Tips Dressing
Seasonal Foraging: Summer
Best of Summer Foraging (with Juliette Bryant & Pete Morton)
June (25:46)
Photo Gallery: June Wild Food
Recipe: Elderflower Sorbet
Recipe: Wild Green Mayo
Recipe: Pickled Ash Keys
Recipe: White Clover Iced Tea
Recipe: Pink Elderflower Champagne
Recipe Ideas: Elderflower Collection
July (25:26)
Photo Gallery: July Wild Food
Recipe: Pineappleweed Iced Tea
Recipe: Dandelion Honey
Recipe: Wild Summer Pudding
Recipe: Wild Berry Fizz
August (50:26)
Photo Gallery: August Wild Food
Recipe: Nettle Seed Energy Balls
Recipe: Summer Pasta
Seasonal Foraging: Autumn
Best of Autumn Foraging (with Dave Hamilton)
September (25:17)
Photo Gallery: September Wild Food
Recipe: Hawthorn Ketchup
Recipe: Blackberry BBQ Sauce
Recipe: Wild Mushroom & Nettle Tart
Recipe: Spicy Hawthorn Relish
Discover Edible Mushrooms
Discover Edible Mushrooms with Dave Watson (18:30)
October (26:05)
Photo Gallery: October Wild Food
Recipe: Elderberry Elixir
Recipe: Hawthorn Guacamole
Recipe: Guelder-rose Jelly
Recipe: Sea Buckthorn Juice
November: Wild Medicine Special (23:12)
Photo Gallery: November Wild Food
December (36:04)
Photo Gallery: December Wild Food
Recipe: Boozy Berry Chocolates
Recipe: Wild Woodland Christmas Stuffing
Wrapping Up & Conclusion
Wrapping Up & Conclusion (1:06)
Foraging Resources
Spring Wild Food Recipe eBook
Native Plants of Winter by Glennie Kindred
Family Campfire Cooking eBook
Recommended Reading
Recipe Ideas: Elderflower Collection
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